
If you are in need of help during this tumultuous time, whether it is scheduling a vaccination appointment or keeping your small business open, please check the resources and organizations below that have been curated by the Ashley Hartmeier-Prigg for Beaverton campaign.

For Small businesses

Beaverton Business Rent information

Beaverton Business Grants information

Washington County Resources

COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment

Check out Washington County’s page for more information about where to get a vaccination.

If you do not have transportation to a vaccination appointment:

Information Provided by Washington County

For those members enrolled in the Oregon Health Plan (OHP), either with a Coordinated Care Organization (CCO) or as a Fee for Service (often known as “open card”) member, transportation options include: 

  • Health Share of Oregon (Ride to Care): 503-416-3955 or 855-321-4899 

  • Trillium (MTM): 877-583-1552 

  • OHP Fee for Service (Tri-County MedLink): 866-336-2906 

For individuals not enrolled in OHP who need transportation assistance, there are other options: 

  • Ride Connection serves older adults and people with disabilities in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties (Mon-Fri). Call 503-226-0700. 

  • TriMet LIFT is a service for people who are unable to use regular buses and trains due to a disability or disabling health condition. Individuals should be enrolled before scheduling. Call 503-962-8000. 

  • One Call is for Providence members only. Call 866-733-8994.

Housing Resources

If you are in need of help during obtaining or keeping shelter, please check the resources and organizations below that have been curated by the Ashley Hartmeier-Prigg for Beaverton campaign.

Beaverton Housing Resources:

Washington County Housing Resources:

Project Homeless Connect:

Community Action Oregon:

Community Partners for Affordable Housing: